Friday, August 31, 2012

First Week as a Senior

My first week of senior year was pretty interesting. Today was pretty stressful though, to say the least. Today was probably the most drama filled day that I've ever had. I am not one to be involved in drama at all. To be completely honest, i can't stand drama. I've realized that drama all starts because of jealously and people are never satisfied with what they have. People always want something more, and usually, they aren't happy until they get it. Then, even when they do get it, they are always looking to get something bigger and better. The whole thing is just ridiculous. Girls are evil. Well, most girls anyways. I mean honestly why can't they just mind their own business and worry about themselves? Especially when it comes to your boyfriend. I'm happy with the relationship we have, stop trying to hook him up with another girl. He doesn't like her! Get over it! I just feel like throwing a desk across the room. I'm just happy that there is our first game of the season tonight for football. It'll be my last high school football game ever, which I'm looking forward to. Hopefully it'll all go well. I'm just happy this week is over.

The weekend is probably what i mostly look forward to during the school year. Waking up early is just so not my thing, so i enjoy sleeping in whenever i can. Staying out on the weekends is also a highlight of the school year. That's when all the "huge" murrysville ragers are. HA. Just kidding. Murrysville is probably the most boring place in the entire universe. I swear there is never anything to do around here. That's why my friends are so important to me. I trust them all with my life. I'm lucky to have people that i trust, this is something that not all people find, so i consider myself very lucky.
I love my friends to death, they make me laugh when I'm about to cry and no matter what, we can make anything fun. Including our half an hour lunch period when we get visits from a special needs student who has a crush on all of us. It's adorable sometimes, but other times it can be annoying. I've learned a lot from them over the years that I've been in high school. A lot of people make fun of them, but they don't deserve that. They really do try their hardest to fit in the best they can.

What's really weird about school this year is walking around the hallways and realizing that we're the oldest kids walking around. Last years seniors are gone and in the past, and now it's our turn. It's just really weird to think about. I cant wait to graduate! I want to get out of here so badly. I want to start life on my own and get a taste of the real world. I cant wait to get away and just be free from my parents. They just make me want to scream sometimes!! They do so much for me, but they just shelter me so much. Yeah they want to keep me away from drinking and not getting pregnant at a young age. I understand all of that. But i just sometimes feel like they think im just like every other high schooler. Well, newsflash mom and dad, im not. But whatever, maybe i'll convince them one of these days.. but actually probably not.
For anyone that is reading, i'm so sorry for boring any of you. In no way is this blog informational, it's just basically about what's going on weekly in my life. Sorry for being so all over the place, i just kinda said what came to my mind!