Saturday, October 6, 2012

Slow Drivers

There's nothing i hate more than when im driving a tad over the speed limit and then have to come to a sudden halt when someone rudely pulls out in front of you. So, okay, whatever they pulled out in front of you, maybe they're in some huge hurry or something. ohhhhhh no. You've got it all wrong. They're actually driving 20 mph below the speed limit. I mean come on now! If you want to go slow at least make sure there's isnt anyone behind you so you dont hold them up in case those people are actually in a hurry to get somewhere. I mean this really just grinds my gears. I didnt realize how much this annoyed me until it happened to me this morning. And as if once isn't bad enough, it happened to me twice.
My brother goes to Kiski Prep which is a private school and it's about 20 minutes away. Since it's such a huge hassle for my brother to do his laundry, my mom insists on driving up there every week to get his dirty clothes. I know, it makes so much sense. Anyways, she made me drive up there this morning to drop his clothes off, and man was i in for a treat. I'm driving down some road off of sardis and I'm going a pretty reasonable speed for a back road until some bafoon pulls out of their driveway without looking and pulls out right in front of me!! I was outraged beyond belief. Literally, the speed limit is 35 on that road, i swear i was going a mere 20 mph. It took me almost 45 minutes to get there when is only supposed to take 20! I mean was it that hard to just look both ways before you pull out of your driveway? That guy is lucky i didnt hit him.
Well like i said, this little incident happened to me twice. Once on the way up, and then once on the way back. On the way back, i had to stop at Giant Eagle real quick to pick up a few things. After i finished, i continued making my way home and then BOOM, another bafoon is in front of me going 2 mph. Now, i wasn't in a huge hurry to get home, but i was sick of being in the car all day. I wanted to pass the guy sooooo bad.
So let me just tell you a little something. If you're pulling out of a street and someone is coming, even if you can make the turn without getting hit, be polite and let them go before you because chances are they're in a bigger hurry than you are. And if you dont drive at atleast the speed limit, you might want to speed up just a little bit so you dont make the drivers behind you angry, cause some road rage, and then get into a car accident.


  1. I totally agree with you! I always have that one "bafoon" that will pull out in front of me when I'm actually going the speed limit, and thinking they are in a hurry, NO WAY!
    Well anyway I like your blog, I can relate. And really pretty background. Good job!

  2. I like your blog Kayla! And I completely agree with you, I always get stuck behind the drivers that think it's okay to go 10 miles under the speed limit...I also hate when they hurry up to pull out in front of you and then go the speed of a snail once they get in front of you. :/
