Friday, November 9, 2012

PDA (dont do it.)

There's nothing like walking down the halls of franklin regional high school and then seeing a full make out session. REALLY? im pretty sure that it's possible to be away for someone for 7 hours while you're in a learning environment. The touching, kissing, and whatever else is going on in school is completely uncalled for. I've tried ignoring it, but you know what? I just can't do it. It makes me sick to my stomach. My favorite is whenever a couple is holding hands walking down the hallway, and then someone crossed their path and are about to walk right into their hands and you know what happens? that awkward third person has to veer out of the way because the world would just end if they had to stop holding hands for three seconds. I mean god forbid that happens to them. and you know what else? they have their own spots throughout the school. What i mean by this is that in each hallway, you'll see the same couple standing there every single day. It gets old. So old that you actually start to memorizing them and who they are. You always know when they break up because usually their spot is empty and PDA free for once. I mean who needs facebook to see if people are still together, just look for them hugging and stuff in the hallways in the same place everyday!
If you're one of these people that i am explaining, then please have some respect for yourself and STOP IMMEDIATELY.  first of all, no one wants to see you making out with your boyfriend/girlfriend and second of all its school!!! You can at least wait until you get home to do all of that stuff. It is distracting in the learning environment. I understand that some of you may be a bit traumatized at the sight of PDA, so im sure your guidance counselors would be able to help you out with that one.
PDA is just disruptive and it doesnt look classy at all. In my opinion, it looks trashy and it's very uncalled for. Ohh and i probably shouldve mentioned this earlier, but for those of you who arent familiar with what PDA stands for,its public display of affection. And if you've never seen this before, then consider yourself lucky  because you're not missing out at all, trust me.
However, PDA doesn't only happen in schools, it happens everywhere you go. Well, except for maybe church, because at church people always try to act better than they actually are, thats just the way it goes. But anyways, PDA can also occur at the mall, at sporting events, restaurants, in front of family, hiking trips, family events, and well, pretty much anywhere.
So here's a little tiny tip for those of you who are in relationships. It's okay to show someone that you care about someone, but it's not necessary to go all out in public, making everyone around you feel very uncomfortable. And if you ever see this when you're out, dont be rude, just try not to make grossed out looks or stare at them rudely. They're just very passionate thats all. I just wish they would save it for more appropriate times other than infront of a bunch of people that will continue to judge them until they finally get the hint that you want them to stop. The nerve of people this days. People are nuts, there's no telling what they might do.
I hope you have far less traumatic PDA experiences than i have had, because believe me, it makes not only you, but everyone around you feel uncomfortable. I hate looking at it, it's EVERYWHERE. They need to learn that there is clearly a time and a place for everything, and in public is not that time to show affection.

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