Snuggies are those one size fits all kind of deals, they are giant! So if you like extra big blankets, then these are definitely the things for you. They are long enough to go completely past my feet! Then again, I'm kind of short so it doesnt really take alot for anything to go past my toes. Also, the snuggie is extra soft! It really feels like you're cuddling agains a cloud. They are also very affordable with a cost of a whopping $9.99! Whatta bargain! Not to mention, this will be great for halloween since it's right around the corner! instead of using a regular old bed sheet to transform yourself into a ghost, why not just use a snuggie! it's WAY warmer, and you'll look very stylish.
Oh my goodness how could i forget! There is also a snuggie out there that can fit two people inside! The only difference is that it has three arm holes instead of two. This is great if you have separation anxiety with your boyfriend/girlfriend and hate using two snuggies for the both of you. Well, congratulations, you two can now share the same snuggie.
And for those dog lovers out there. Dont think i forgot about you guys. There are actually snuggies out there that are made especially for dogs. All sorts of dogs can use them. Small dogs, big dogs, fat dogs, skinny dogs, brown dogs, gray dogs, pink dogs, i mean the possibilities are just endless with these things!
I know you guys are probably wondering what patterns you can get them in. Well let me tell you, they have about every color you could ever imagine and they also come in a lot of patterns as well! This is definitely a buy that i would recommend. You definitely wont regret it. The snuggie is easily the best purchase that i have ever made. I will post the link below so that you guys can purchase your very own snuggie and wear it everywhere you go. I mean, they even have steelers ones that you can wear to the steeler game! who wouldn't want to do that?
Well i hope all of you enjoy your snuggies. Stay warm and cozy!