Friday, September 28, 2012


Well this blog here is going to be all about snuggies. Snuggies are the greatest things ever invented. For the longest time ever i would sit on the couch cuddled up in a blanket because i was freezing. However, when you're cuddled up in a blanket you kind of get a little hungry. My absolute biggest pet peeve used to be when i was under a blanket and then would have to stick my hands and arms out of the blanket to eat my goldfish or something because i just needed to eat. And for that moment of time when your hands were out of the blanket, you were absolutely freezing. Now, my biggest pet peeve here was shortly eliminated when the great snuggie was invented. For those of you who may live under a rock and not know what a snuggie is, a snuggie is basically a blanket with arm holes. That is all. It doesnt seem like much nut trust me, this thing is life changing. The snuggie has eliminated my biggest pet peeve of all. I am very thankful that i can now say i can watch TV and eat without having my arms and hands constantly being cold.
Snuggies are those one size fits all kind of deals, they are giant! So if you like extra big blankets, then these are definitely the things for you. They are long enough to go completely past my feet! Then again, I'm kind of short so it doesnt really take alot for anything to go past my toes. Also, the snuggie is extra soft! It really feels like you're cuddling agains a cloud. They are also very affordable with a cost of a whopping $9.99! Whatta bargain! Not to mention, this will be great for halloween since it's right around the corner! instead of using a regular old bed sheet to transform yourself into a ghost, why not just use a snuggie! it's WAY warmer, and you'll look very stylish.
Oh my goodness how could i forget! There is also a snuggie out there that can fit two people inside! The only difference is that it has three arm holes instead of two. This is great if you have separation anxiety with your boyfriend/girlfriend and hate using two snuggies for the both of you. Well, congratulations, you two can now share the same snuggie.
And for those dog lovers out there. Dont think i forgot about you guys. There are actually snuggies out there that are made especially for dogs. All sorts of dogs can use them. Small dogs, big dogs, fat dogs, skinny dogs, brown dogs, gray dogs, pink dogs, i mean the possibilities are just endless with these things!
I know you guys are probably wondering what patterns you can get them in. Well let me tell you, they have about every color you could ever imagine and they also come in a lot of patterns as well! This is definitely a buy that i would recommend. You definitely wont regret it. The snuggie is easily the best purchase that i have ever made. I will post the link below so that you guys can purchase your very own snuggie and wear it everywhere you go. I mean, they even have steelers ones that you can wear to the steeler game! who wouldn't want to do that?
Well i hope all of you enjoy your snuggies. Stay warm and cozy!

The world of Snapchatting

Okay so the majority of the kids in my school i would say have iphones. It's CRAZY! Literally i would say about 3 out of every five people have an iphone, or maybe even more than that. Anyways, there are constantly apps that are popular and that you have to get. A few years ago it was doodle jump, next was run, then fruit ninja, temple run, and now the biggest one of them all is snapchat. Now let me just tell you that this app is probably the best app ever created. You can send pictures back and forth to your friends in just a matter of seconds. Want to hear the best part? The pictures are only visible to the person you send them to for a matter of seconds and then disappear forever and you can never look at them ever again. Some people thought they would try and beat the system by taking a screen shot, but turns out, joke's on us because snapchat made it so that all screen shots are denied. Which in my opinion, is a good thing because i send some pretty embarrassing pictures of myself.
Anyways, this app is so popular at my school. Constantly there are people snapchatting everyone throughout the day. Which is great because school would be boring without it. You see kids in the hallways making faces at their phones and you just automatically know that they are snapchatting so you just dont think anything of it.
I can honestly say that i dont think i've ever seen an app more popular than this one. Well actually, angry birds was a pretty good one though i have to say. However, it involved some thought where as for snapchat, you can be dumb as a doornail and still be able to use it. It's just so entertaining! The best part is knowing that no matter how embarrassing the picture you send is, they can only see it for a few seconds anyways so who even cares! It's genius! i would personally like to meet the inventors of this wondrous app and just give them a little pat on the back for creating an even better past time for kids during school. I mean it's just absolutely great!
Here are some real life scenarios of when it's appropriate to take a snapchat.

  • If you are bored in class
  • If you are bored at home
  • in the car
  • brushing your teeth 
  • eating lunch
  • getting dressed
  • watching tv
  • laying in bed
  • doing homework
At basically any time of the day it's perfectly normal to snapchat an incredibly embarasing picture of yourself. So here's my advice for all of you people out there with iphones. GET SNAPCHAT. it will complete your life and give you pure happiness. If you are looking for friends to snapchat, i am always snapchatting so you can "snap" me anytime at kaylagrieco

Friday, September 21, 2012

Get out of the way

Okay well this post is more of a rant more than anything. Basically it's just about the one thing that goes on in my school that i absolutely can not stand at all. I'll start off by telling you that i go to franklin regional high school. I have many complaints about this place that i could just go off on, but the one thing that bothers me the most is when people rush through the hallways and trample over people like their life depends on getting to class on time. I mean okay, it's one thing if you are in a hurry and are casually brushing past people, but it's not okay if you are physically pushing people out of your way to get past them. i mean it's completely ridiculous and i cant stand it. Im fairly little so i get knocked around alot. For example, today i was casually strolling along to my fourth period study hall when all of a sudden this giant kid comes sprinting through the hallway taking out everyone and everything in his class just so he can get to his class. CALM YOURSELF. My goodness, this just really makes me mad for some reason. Honestly, i could just rage.
This hasn't started this year. ohhhhhh no. this started as early as my freshman year which was almost four years ago. This one skinny kid would always run on the wrong side of the hallway (you know, the side where people are walking the opposite direction as you) knocking out anyone in his way just to get to his girlfriend. Really? Im sure you can go a period without seeing or touching each other. UGH. it just makes me soooo mad.
Seriously, have some respect for other people that are walking through the hallway, and try not to implant them into lockers or the walls. People are just insane. This happens to me multiple time throughout the day, and it's not by the same person each time, which means there are many people that have this problem! So for all of you people in a rush out there, here's a little tiny bit of useful advice, just slow down and try not to run into other people. Use some manners and respect other people's personal space in the hallways.
Im not sure why all of that just came to mind, but hey you know what, it's okay. it's just something that has bothered me for a while and i thought i'd just throw it out there. I people in other schools can relate to the pain im feeling towards this right now. You know how people say its sometimes good to go against the crowd? Yeah well, in this situation, it's better to go with the flow of the crowd and not on the opposite side of the hallway.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Upest Niece

Okay well we all have relatives that we consider to be our favorites right? Well i certainly do! My Aunt Meghan has always been my favorite relative by far. She is the funniest and silliest person in the whole entire world, and she's just so much fun to be around. She married my Uncle Patrick a few years ago, and let me just say, they are the cutest people together ever! My aunt waited so long to get married, and clearly, she made the right choice, because they're just absolutely perfect for each other.My aunt is a closet designer. I know what youre thinking.. "who the heck cares if she designs closets, that sounds dumb." Well guess what? She was the one that was chosen to design all of the closets for HGTV's dream house last year, so yeah that was a pretty big thing for her.  My Uncle Patrick is really into big designer stores and clothing line. He's the guy who designs where all of the clothes go out on the floor for Banana Republic. He's pretty big news for those "banana people" which is why they are constantly moving. He keeps getting promoted and each time he gets promoted, they move farther and farther away! They currently live all the way in Atlanta and we only get to see them about twice a year. So each time we see them is special, and we make sure it's something we'll remember. They always come to us though, not once have i ever been to their house before. This kind of makes me a little sad because i've seen pictures of it and it just looks so pretty there. They live next to a farmer and he gives them fresh vegetables and eggs and everything and the town seems just so serene and quaint. Their house looks spotless and everything is in perfect shape, which makes complete sense considering the fact that they dont have any kids right now.
Anyways, like i said, they live really far away and they're constantly moving. Well, my mom told me yesterday that my uncle had gotten transferred all the way across the country to California. I heard this and i wanted to cry. Now I'm just scared that I'll never see them anymore which absolutely sucks when it's your most favorite aunt and uncle! Not to mention that my favorite cousins live all the way in Oklahoma! Why cant there be a law that keeps families moving away from each other? It's just not fair at all.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Good Old Memories

Well, this week was interesting to say the least. My life is pretty much and emotional roller coaster that never slows down. It's crazy! But then again, most high schoolers' lives are busy and filled with activities that involve friends. This week as my friend came to school dressed up for her away soccer games, i realized how much i missed playing. I miss the days where I would get home from school, go to soccer practice or a soccer game, and then stay up all night going homework. Now that might not sound all that fun to you guys, but for me, it was an absolute blast! It was great being a part of a team like that. I felt like I could talk to those girls about anything and everything. I have to thank our "team bonding" at ligonier camp for that one! That camp was always interesting. My freshman year the seniors threw a dance party for all of us and we all just went crazy! My best memory from that year was probably our freshman skit. We did this thing where each grade would make up their own little skit and then present it to the whole team, and then the chaperones that were there would pick the "best" one. And by best one, I mean that the seniors would always win, no matter how bad theirs was. But anyways, the plan for our skit was for all of us to dress up as different characters from all different movies and shows and pretend that we all thought we were doing a skit that involved a scene from the movie or show that the character we were dressed up was in. Then, at the very end we were all just going to say, "well.. ummm yeah sorry guys. we had an error in communication and we don't really have a skit.." We thought that this idea was absolutely hilarious, we were so sure that we were going to win this little skit challenge. As it turns out, no one thought it was as funny as we did and we all just looked really dumb up there. But as the season progressed, that became a big joke towards us, and then everyone thought it was funny.
We also had the greatest coaches ever, they were always so much fun to be around. I'll never forget the first day of hell week (that's what we call preseason because it is literally hell) where our JV coach Kurt said "okay guys just do this and get done, i have a quote for you all to remember and think about, it's "a man who reads books..." umm well actually i forget the rest.."We all just kind of sat there and looked at him for about 10 seconds and then we all burst out laughing. We thought it was so funny how Kurt of all people was trying to quote someone and he couldn't even remember it. I guess it was one of those "you had to be there" moments. But trust me, it was funny.
But do you see what i mean? i have so many good memories from soccer, and i really regret quitting. The only reason i quit was because of cheerleading which was honestly the biggest mistake of my ENTIRE life. I got stuck with a bunch of girls i didn't like and missed out on great soccer seasons with friends that i love. Oh well, too late to go back now. At least it was fun while it lasted!