Sunday, September 9, 2012

Good Old Memories

Well, this week was interesting to say the least. My life is pretty much and emotional roller coaster that never slows down. It's crazy! But then again, most high schoolers' lives are busy and filled with activities that involve friends. This week as my friend came to school dressed up for her away soccer games, i realized how much i missed playing. I miss the days where I would get home from school, go to soccer practice or a soccer game, and then stay up all night going homework. Now that might not sound all that fun to you guys, but for me, it was an absolute blast! It was great being a part of a team like that. I felt like I could talk to those girls about anything and everything. I have to thank our "team bonding" at ligonier camp for that one! That camp was always interesting. My freshman year the seniors threw a dance party for all of us and we all just went crazy! My best memory from that year was probably our freshman skit. We did this thing where each grade would make up their own little skit and then present it to the whole team, and then the chaperones that were there would pick the "best" one. And by best one, I mean that the seniors would always win, no matter how bad theirs was. But anyways, the plan for our skit was for all of us to dress up as different characters from all different movies and shows and pretend that we all thought we were doing a skit that involved a scene from the movie or show that the character we were dressed up was in. Then, at the very end we were all just going to say, "well.. ummm yeah sorry guys. we had an error in communication and we don't really have a skit.." We thought that this idea was absolutely hilarious, we were so sure that we were going to win this little skit challenge. As it turns out, no one thought it was as funny as we did and we all just looked really dumb up there. But as the season progressed, that became a big joke towards us, and then everyone thought it was funny.
We also had the greatest coaches ever, they were always so much fun to be around. I'll never forget the first day of hell week (that's what we call preseason because it is literally hell) where our JV coach Kurt said "okay guys just do this and get done, i have a quote for you all to remember and think about, it's "a man who reads books..." umm well actually i forget the rest.."We all just kind of sat there and looked at him for about 10 seconds and then we all burst out laughing. We thought it was so funny how Kurt of all people was trying to quote someone and he couldn't even remember it. I guess it was one of those "you had to be there" moments. But trust me, it was funny.
But do you see what i mean? i have so many good memories from soccer, and i really regret quitting. The only reason i quit was because of cheerleading which was honestly the biggest mistake of my ENTIRE life. I got stuck with a bunch of girls i didn't like and missed out on great soccer seasons with friends that i love. Oh well, too late to go back now. At least it was fun while it lasted!

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog post! I miss you SO very much on the soccer team and I know that everyone else misses you too!! You really should have done it this year! That ligonier memory was great but I have to ask....Best coaches ever? Really? haha
