Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Upest Niece

Okay well we all have relatives that we consider to be our favorites right? Well i certainly do! My Aunt Meghan has always been my favorite relative by far. She is the funniest and silliest person in the whole entire world, and she's just so much fun to be around. She married my Uncle Patrick a few years ago, and let me just say, they are the cutest people together ever! My aunt waited so long to get married, and clearly, she made the right choice, because they're just absolutely perfect for each other.My aunt is a closet designer. I know what youre thinking.. "who the heck cares if she designs closets, that sounds dumb." Well guess what? She was the one that was chosen to design all of the closets for HGTV's dream house last year, so yeah that was a pretty big thing for her.  My Uncle Patrick is really into big designer stores and clothing line. He's the guy who designs where all of the clothes go out on the floor for Banana Republic. He's pretty big news for those "banana people" which is why they are constantly moving. He keeps getting promoted and each time he gets promoted, they move farther and farther away! They currently live all the way in Atlanta and we only get to see them about twice a year. So each time we see them is special, and we make sure it's something we'll remember. They always come to us though, not once have i ever been to their house before. This kind of makes me a little sad because i've seen pictures of it and it just looks so pretty there. They live next to a farmer and he gives them fresh vegetables and eggs and everything and the town seems just so serene and quaint. Their house looks spotless and everything is in perfect shape, which makes complete sense considering the fact that they dont have any kids right now.
Anyways, like i said, they live really far away and they're constantly moving. Well, my mom told me yesterday that my uncle had gotten transferred all the way across the country to California. I heard this and i wanted to cry. Now I'm just scared that I'll never see them anymore which absolutely sucks when it's your most favorite aunt and uncle! Not to mention that my favorite cousins live all the way in Oklahoma! Why cant there be a law that keeps families moving away from each other? It's just not fair at all.

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