Friday, September 21, 2012

Get out of the way

Okay well this post is more of a rant more than anything. Basically it's just about the one thing that goes on in my school that i absolutely can not stand at all. I'll start off by telling you that i go to franklin regional high school. I have many complaints about this place that i could just go off on, but the one thing that bothers me the most is when people rush through the hallways and trample over people like their life depends on getting to class on time. I mean okay, it's one thing if you are in a hurry and are casually brushing past people, but it's not okay if you are physically pushing people out of your way to get past them. i mean it's completely ridiculous and i cant stand it. Im fairly little so i get knocked around alot. For example, today i was casually strolling along to my fourth period study hall when all of a sudden this giant kid comes sprinting through the hallway taking out everyone and everything in his class just so he can get to his class. CALM YOURSELF. My goodness, this just really makes me mad for some reason. Honestly, i could just rage.
This hasn't started this year. ohhhhhh no. this started as early as my freshman year which was almost four years ago. This one skinny kid would always run on the wrong side of the hallway (you know, the side where people are walking the opposite direction as you) knocking out anyone in his way just to get to his girlfriend. Really? Im sure you can go a period without seeing or touching each other. UGH. it just makes me soooo mad.
Seriously, have some respect for other people that are walking through the hallway, and try not to implant them into lockers or the walls. People are just insane. This happens to me multiple time throughout the day, and it's not by the same person each time, which means there are many people that have this problem! So for all of you people in a rush out there, here's a little tiny bit of useful advice, just slow down and try not to run into other people. Use some manners and respect other people's personal space in the hallways.
Im not sure why all of that just came to mind, but hey you know what, it's okay. it's just something that has bothered me for a while and i thought i'd just throw it out there. I people in other schools can relate to the pain im feeling towards this right now. You know how people say its sometimes good to go against the crowd? Yeah well, in this situation, it's better to go with the flow of the crowd and not on the opposite side of the hallway.

1 comment:

  1. OMG i know like exactly how you feel! however, there are a few things you can do to protect yourself against these horrors. You could wrap yourself in bubble wrap, wear 4-5 layers of hoodies or casually trip the kid as he sprints past you. This is an urgent matter, report it to suvak ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! D:
