Friday, September 28, 2012

The world of Snapchatting

Okay so the majority of the kids in my school i would say have iphones. It's CRAZY! Literally i would say about 3 out of every five people have an iphone, or maybe even more than that. Anyways, there are constantly apps that are popular and that you have to get. A few years ago it was doodle jump, next was run, then fruit ninja, temple run, and now the biggest one of them all is snapchat. Now let me just tell you that this app is probably the best app ever created. You can send pictures back and forth to your friends in just a matter of seconds. Want to hear the best part? The pictures are only visible to the person you send them to for a matter of seconds and then disappear forever and you can never look at them ever again. Some people thought they would try and beat the system by taking a screen shot, but turns out, joke's on us because snapchat made it so that all screen shots are denied. Which in my opinion, is a good thing because i send some pretty embarrassing pictures of myself.
Anyways, this app is so popular at my school. Constantly there are people snapchatting everyone throughout the day. Which is great because school would be boring without it. You see kids in the hallways making faces at their phones and you just automatically know that they are snapchatting so you just dont think anything of it.
I can honestly say that i dont think i've ever seen an app more popular than this one. Well actually, angry birds was a pretty good one though i have to say. However, it involved some thought where as for snapchat, you can be dumb as a doornail and still be able to use it. It's just so entertaining! The best part is knowing that no matter how embarrassing the picture you send is, they can only see it for a few seconds anyways so who even cares! It's genius! i would personally like to meet the inventors of this wondrous app and just give them a little pat on the back for creating an even better past time for kids during school. I mean it's just absolutely great!
Here are some real life scenarios of when it's appropriate to take a snapchat.

  • If you are bored in class
  • If you are bored at home
  • in the car
  • brushing your teeth 
  • eating lunch
  • getting dressed
  • watching tv
  • laying in bed
  • doing homework
At basically any time of the day it's perfectly normal to snapchat an incredibly embarasing picture of yourself. So here's my advice for all of you people out there with iphones. GET SNAPCHAT. it will complete your life and give you pure happiness. If you are looking for friends to snapchat, i am always snapchatting so you can "snap" me anytime at kaylagrieco

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